Tuesday, April 05, 2005

should I change my blog's name ?

There is something troubling me for a while now..

My blog's name... Its "Flash AS and Me" but I see that I havent made much (in fact no**) posts yet on Flash or AS(ActionScript). It just reminds me of some old piece of writing, where the author talks about people having names that dont necessarily match who they are. Like 'Kannayiram' (means 'thousand eyes' in Tamil) being the name of a blind man; 'kodeeswaran' (means 'millionaire' in Tamil) being the name of a beggar, and so on...

Now I think, I got 2 options. Either I change the name of this blog, which is fairly an easy option, or start blogging something about Flash - Well, thats the tough option. a little bit of 'idealistic' thought tells me, I should start blogging something about Flash. After all, thats the technology that has helped me reach where I am today :-)

So, viewers of this blog **(are there any :o)** will get to see a few Flash articles / posts in here occasionally.

After all, I am a 'Flash'er!


erl said...

People do look at it, even if they are silent.

Arul said...

@erl - I knew that when I read your comment! Thanks for visiting my blog :-)

@mayura - funny.. I'll consider that :-p